SARGE is currently carrying out its R&D activities in an Organized industrial area at OSTIM Ankara. Systems and solutions are totally new, custom-tailored according to user definitions and 100 % in-house developed. SARGE traditionally does not employ "Know-How" based manufacturing. Solutions and systems consist of devices, microprocessor controlled software and innovative designs.
Generally, microprocessor controlled, user-programmable, efficient systems are developed at any AC/DC input-output configurations in the 100VA-400 KVA power range. International thermal, EMI and RFI standards are satisfied. Power electronics products with no moving parts can be produced to be water proof and mechanically robust to withstand harsh conditions in remote areas or in open air. Dependable and high efficiency systems deliver clean and continuous power without creating any mechanical or RF noise beyond internationally allowed limits. All products and solutions are warranted for a full year.
Considering the developments in nanotechnology and thin films fields, SARGE has started to offer solutions in HV UHV and thin film applications in 2005. Solutions include consulting, vacuum parts integration, vacuum systems and training.
All kinds of vacuum parts, chambers, vacuum systems and thin film preparation systems are offered to research and application users with the assistance of experts in the field.
For each case, custom research is done and design and implementation techniques are employed. Solutions and systems are delivered to the user designated site as fully functional. Sustained and satisfactory operation is achieved by user training and system warranty.